Innovation is not about chasing the latest gee-whiz technologies. It is about implementing needed solutions to stay ahead of the competition. Most CIOs already face a heavy burden to maintain efficient IT systems. Now they are being asked to transform their organizations by adopting the latest digital breakthroughs.
Security, Cloud, Big Data and the need to find and retain top talent always seems to be the main focal points in conversations pertaining to the concerns in IT for 2017.
Below is an article we came across while trying to get some insight from the CIO’s perspective of the future of Business and IT for this year to come.
It’s from The Enterprisers Project, written by Chad Cardenas. He has some excellent insights and acknowledges that most CIO’s have at least some degree of chaos in their environments.
One number that stood out to us is that “cloud traffic is expected to explode to more than 14 zettabytes by the end of 2020.” That is a staggering figure and makes the case for greater security and smart network architecture quite clear.
Security, network architecture and planning for the rapid changes in our computing environment doesn’t happen by accident. It is accomplished by talented and motivate individuals, that are in high demand.
Click here to read the full text of the article.