The InSource Group’s Friday Food Basket program gives employees the opportunity to give back to their Dallas community. One Friday each month three team members are selected from a pool of volunteers to spend their morning at North Dallas Shared Ministries. Volunteers spend their time in the food pantry moving inventory, filling food bags, and distributing food packages to recipients.
About North Dallas Shared Ministries
North Dallas Shared Ministries grew out of the frustration of five clergy with the inefficient and ineffective ways they were attempting to assist the needy who came to their churches for aid. In 1983, they formed an independent non-profit agency that would handle this fundamental aspect of their ministry in a cooperative approach. North Dallas Shared Ministries’ goal as an organization is simple – to deliver aid as efficiently and effectively as possible. Besides a food pantry and clothes closet NDSM promotes wellness and financial independence by offering education classes, job counseling, skill development, and medical clinics. Since founding, NDSM has overwhelmingly relied on volunteers – over 500 at present – to fulfill their mission and be able to devote well over 90% of their budget to client/patient services.